• Dairy: we are talking about milk, yogurt and cheese. The recommendation is always that they be skimmed to reduce the fat content and that their consumption be daily.
  • Meats and eggs: they are essential for a good supply of protein. The egg contains all the essential amino acids, so don’t be afraid to eat it every day! And don’t forget that when we talk about meat we mean beef, chicken, pork and fish.
  • Vegetables: a fundamental group that will help us maintain a level blood glucose level, control body weight and maintain good health. Half a plate of our lunch and dinner should contain them!
  • Fruits: even if they have fructose, do not limit them, since they are still a natural food. You should only avoid eating 2 or 3 fruits at a time, it is always better to consume them distributed throughout the day. Ideally, the fruit that can be eaten with the peel is recommended to take advantage of its fiber content.
  • Cereals and legumes: provide us with the essential carbohydrates we need every day to move, think, and perform all our activities. Don’t forget to choose the integral version to add more fiber to our diet!
  • Oils: essential for a good intake of healthy fats. The best type is olive oil or high oleic sunflower oil.

I hope you liked this note and found it useful.
Until next time!

Lic Sol Bettin


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