Kevin Spacey’s trial hears alleged victim: ‘It makes me physically sick’

The witness is a male driver who says actor Kevin Spacey was turned on by his victim’s resistance.

A two-time Oscar-winning actor to Kevin Spacey, 63, the trial continues. The court heard a person who says that he is one of the victims of Spacey, who is accused of sexual crimes. Sky News according to the person is a male chauffeur who describes feeling disgusted by Spacey’s actions towards him.

– When he first touched me, it was a big shock for me. I immediately moved his hand away, the man told the court.

“He was clearly very confused”

The court also heard the police’s audio recording of the man’s statements, in which he said that he had warned the actor if he continued to harass her. According to the witness, Spacey just got excited about this.

– He grabbed me so hard that I almost drove off the road. He grabbed me hard which really hurt. I pushed him against the car door and said: “If you do that again, I’ll knock you out.” Spacey squeezed my butt and rubbed my legs, the man recounted on the audio tape.

Kevin Spacey is going through a four-week trial, where the man is accused of a total of 12 sexual crimes. ANDY RAIN

The car driver said that he had previously heard warnings about the actor’s behavior.

– It was well known that he did not have good intentions, the man said.

According to the man, Spacey acted kind, but was actually an aggressive predator.

– He was clearly very confused with his sexuality, the man analyzed.

– I can’t watch his movies. I can’t stand her, it makes me physically sick, the man added on the audio tape.

Spacey’s defense is questioning

After listening to the tape, it was time for Spacey’s defense to cross-examine the witness. Spacey’s lawyer Patrick Gibbs of KC asked the witness if he was turned on by the actor’s touch, and he denied it. He also denied claims that he questioned his sexuality by touching Spacey.

Actor Kevin Spacey is known for, among other things, the crime film Suspects and the House of Cards series. ANDY RAIN

When asked, the driver told what Spacey’s act has done to him.

– I suffered from shame, confusion and shock. It made me anxious and it wasn’t easy to talk about at the time, so I shut it down, the man replied.

– I suffered because someone had touched me without my permission, the man added.

The lawyer inquired whether anything had happened between the two. The witness interrupted the lawyer’s question and stated bluntly: “Nothing happened between us, but he abused me”.

The man also denied that money and publicity had motivated him to bring his story to the world.

– I am doing well in my life, I could do well without all this. Some other brave people have also shared their experiences, so I thought it was time for me to do the same, the man reasoned.

What is it about?

The four-week trial will deal with the charges against Spacey, which relate to alleged sexual offenses against four men. The charges include, among other things, sexual assaults and forcing a sexual act without consent. The alleged events date from 2001–2013. Spacey has denied the charges brought against him.

If found guilty, Spacey faces prison terms. If he is found not guilty, some news agencies believe it could boost Spacey’s acting career.

The men who made the accusations are now in their thirties and forties. At the time of the alleged crimes, Spacey has mainly lived in Britain and worked as the artistic director of a theater in London. This is why the trial is being held in London.

Kevin Spacey has denied the charges brought against him. Mirrorpix / MEGA
