Kevin Hart gives Chris Rock a goat named after Will Smith

Kevin Hart gifted fellow comedy Chris Rock a goat live on stage during a comedy show. The animal’s name: Will Smith.

During their comedy gig “Rock Hart: Only Headliners Allowed” at New York’s Madison Square Garden, Hart brought the goat onto the stage and ceremonially presented the animal to him. The allusion was clear: Hart was referring to the incident at this year’s Oscars.

Speaking on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Hart explained his gift: “Chris is a mentor, a friend, an inspiration. My career is where I am today because of him. Just by his advice, his insights and so much more. He’s my GOAT [Anm. d. Red.: Abkürzung für „Greatest of all time“, der Größte aller Zeiten], he is my husband. And I wanted him to feel that.”

The goat didn’t play along too well

Hart’s gesture backfired a bit, however, as the goat relieved itself on Rock’s white shoes a short time later. “In my head, I imagined the goat coming out and doing fine for two minutes. Instead, she shit on Chris’ shoes. She destroyed Chris’ shoes. Chris was wearing a pair of white moonboots and the goat got him.”

Kevin Hart is friends with both Will Smith and Chris Rock. According to him, Smith has since apologized to the comedian for his scandalous Oscar bell. “I can only hope that the two of them find a way to put it all behind them. I just like good energy. I love seeing people give their best.”
