Kevin Federline wants to prove Britney Spears is a bad mom

Britney Spears spoke of how “hateful” Sean and Jayden, her children with Kevin Federline, were towards the singer in a social media post on Wednesday (10 August). If she visited the two, they would not want to spend time with her.

Now her ex-husband Kevin Federline, with whom she subsequently fell out after two tumultuous years of marriage, has posted videos online showing Spears arguing with their two children.

He wanted to prevent the musician from taking an offensive position against Sean and Jayden, he wrote according to “TMZ”.

“I can’t sit back and allow my sons to be blamed like that after what they’ve been through,” Federline wrote on Instagram. As much as it pains us, as a family we decided to release these videos that the boys recorded when they were 11 and 12 years old. That’s not even the worst of it. The lies have to stop. I hope our children grow up into something better.”

“Be nice to me. Did you understand?”

In the first video, Britney Britney argues with the boys before bed, saying, among other things, “You all need to start treating me like a woman worth something. I’m a woman, okay? be nice to me Do you understand?” Apparently she had wanted to provide both of them with face cream, although they were almost asleep.

A second video, taken while driving, is about Sean Preston not wearing his shoes in public. Both boys are apparently acting together against their mother, complaining that she snatched the boy’s cell phone.

Spears mentioned something in her post about a chaperone during what appeared to be a contentious visit this week. However, it is unclear which person this is and why this was necessary.

After numerous arguments about her health, which also included a sensational lawsuit against her guardian – father Jamie Spears – the singer is trying to make a comeback. Most recently, she is said to have even been spotted in the studio with Elton John. Less with music than with a series of nude pictures, the 40-year-old makes sure that she stays in the conversation.
