Kevin (22) no longer uses a taxi during carnival: ‘The bicycle is cheaper’

Your carnival suit, a glass of beer and that fries with: pull out your wallet for a few days of fun and laughter. Everything is rapidly becoming more expensive and we also have to keep an eye on the little ones during Carnival. But will that work? Today in our Duurder Leven series, 22-year-old Kevin from Helmond: “I save the most on the fun things, you become more selective in that.”

Kevin is a second year ICT student at Fontys in Eindhoven. He lives in Helmond with his girlfriend.

Where are you celebrating Carnival these days?
“We go out with friends in Eindhoven and Helmond. Not to a specific club or anything, we go to different bars.

Are you going the full five days?
“No, no, it varies a bit. It depends on when the rest of my friends are going and how long we can last. I’ll be done with it in a day or two I think.”

A beer costs an average of 3.50 euros in Eindhoven, does that have any consequences?
“I usually keep going until the money runs out. Now that it’s gotten so much more expensive, we’ll pre-drink somewhere before going into town. Then I’ll have some mixed drinks and once in town usually beer. I haven’t specifically saved for carnival but generally, so I use some of my savings.”

What do you notice in everyday life that life has become much more expensive?
“You notice it in the groceries, which have become expensive. We are therefore looking for a cheaper supermarket, there is a difference in price among all supermarkets. I save the most on the nice things, you become more selective in that And if we go out with a group, we would normally take a taxi. But now we take the bike. It may be cold, but it saves money. And we are still students.”

Do you have a job that earns you money?
“Yes, I work in an electronics store in Eindhoven. I really need that income. Together with my girlfriend I rent an apartment from housing in Helmond, which costs about 600 euros per month in rent. It is cheaper in Helmond than in Eindhoven, in Helmond you get more space for a lower price.”

Are you still wearing a nice pek?
“I’m dressed as a hippie, a nice suit with some accessories. But I don’t wear a wig. Such a thing irritates me right from the first hour.”

READ ALSO: Brent (20) celebrates carnival full gas despite a beer price of 3.50 euros
