Kethel tunnel (A4) closed due to staff shortage, heavy morning rush at Rotterdam | NOW

The Kethel tunnel in the A4 was closed in both directions on Monday morning. According to Rijkswaterstaat, there are not enough staff to operate the tunnel. Rijkswaterstaat and the ANWB speak of a heavy morning rush hour near Rotterdam and in other parts of South Holland.

The tunnel may re-open at 8 a.m. Rhine estuary reports that two Rijkswaterstaat employees called in sick this morning. New employees would be on their way to take over their shift. For the time being, traffic between Rotterdam and The Hague can detour over the A13 and A20.

The Ketheltunnel is operated and monitored day and night from the Rijkswaterstaat traffic control center in Rhoon, South Holland. Rijkswaterstaat cannot guarantee safety in the tunnel without personnel.

As a result of the road closure, there were significant delays around Rotterdam at the start of the morning rush hour, especially on the A4 and A15.

The Kethel tunnel is a so-called land tunnel: it does not cross a river or canal. The tunnel opened in 2015.
