Kering takes action against greenwashing with new guidelines

French luxury group Kering has released updated sustainability guidelines for its greenwashing-themed portfolio of brands, which includes brands such as Gucci, Balenciaga and Bottega Veneta. The company stated that its brands and suppliers must communicate their sustainability efforts and results in a transparent and appropriate manner, with data underlying the claims where possible.

The policy relates to products sold in stores or on the Group’s brands’ e-commerce sites, and to claims on all environmental and social aspects, as well as written information on the site, label, advertising, etc. It relates does not refer to mandatory information required by law on product labels, packaging or corporate communications.

General and non-specific statements about sustainability such as “environmentally friendly” or “green” should therefore be avoided, according to the Paris-based group. Products should not be labeled as ‘carbon neutral’ but as ‘low emission’ and it should be noted that there are separate carbon offset programs within Kering.

Statements on sustainability should be trustworthy

According to Kering, a claim can only be responsible and trustworthy if it is true and relevant, clear and unambiguous, fair and without exaggeration, substantiated and verifiable, does not use too many visual natural or nature-like elements, and certifications are correctly stated.

“Greenwashing…is a serious impediment to truly sustainable change in the fashion industry and around the world, as it prevents consumers from making informed purchasing decisions. In addition, it is also a form of unfair competition that can harm companies that communicate their sustainability efforts in an appropriate, measurable and fair manner,” adds Kering.

This translated article originally appeared on
