Kenneth Vandendriessche crowns himself European champion duathlon middle distance

Kenneth Vandendriessche crowns himself European champion duathlon middle distance

The former two-time European long distance champion (2015 and 2016) took the win in 2:24:57 after a 10km run, 60km bike and another 10km run.

The triathlete from Ruddervoorde made the difference on the bike and finished with a 1:23 bonus over the Dutchman Lars van der Knaap (2h26:20), while the German Simon Huckestein completed the podium at 1:48 from Vandendriessche (2h26:45 ).

Sander Heemeryck, Pieter’s younger brother, finished fifth in a time of 2:31:11. Guust De Smul was eighth (2h32:54), former long distance world champion Seppe Odeyn thirteenth (2h34:51) and Bernd Van Snick seventeenth (2h37:36). Jan Petralia had to give up the fight prematurely.
