Kenneth and his father abused after night out: ‘Blood came out of his ears’

What started as a fun evening out in Breda ended in a nightmare on Monday night for Kenneth (32) and his father Mark (57). On the way home they were abused by a man who had recently been confronted about his behavior by Kenneth’s father in a pizzeria. Kenneth’s father was punched in the temple and has been in hospital ever since. “I just have to hope that he comes out of the hospital as he was,” says Kenneth, affected.

Profile photo of Lobke Kapteijns

Kenneth and his father went for a bite to eat in town on Monday and then had some beers in the pub. Around one o’clock they stopped by a pizzeria. According to Kenneth, a man harassed two girls, after which his father confronted the man. The owner of the business is also said to have been annoyed by the man and decided to show him the door.

“I can still clearly see that man standing there looking in through the window, I have no idea whether he was hatching a plan at the time,” says Kenneth. A little later he and his father also walked outside.

Kenneth had been drinking heavily and remembers that he and his father were walking towards the Singel. He remembers the man walking in the same direction. “I feel like we walked to the Singel in a relaxed manner.”

“I was in shock and all I could think of was to call 911.”

Kenneth no longer knows whether any words were spoken along the way. The only thing he does remember is that his father was hit in the temple by the man on Nieuwe Boschstraat. “He hit so hard that my father fell to the ground and blood flowed from his ears. I myself received a hard blow on the back of the head,” says Kenneth.

The man immediately ran away after the cowardly act. Kenneth was left behind in a daze with his seriously injured father. “I was in shock and all I could think of was to call 911,” says Kenneth. The police arrived within a few minutes, but there was no trace of the perpetrator.

“We have to wait and see if he has permanent brain damage.”

Kenneth’s father was rushed to hospital, where he has been for a few days now. He is conscious. “When the nurse asks what he wants to eat, he responds. But to other things I say, he reacts glassy. It’s not possible to have a real conversation.”

His jaw is broken and there is blood on the brain. “We have to wait and see whether that goes away on its own and whether there is permanent brain damage.” Kenneth is therefore very concerned. “I just have to hope that my father comes out of the hospital as he was.”

Kenneth has reported the incident to the police. He is still anxious and thinks a lot about that night. “My father suggested ordering food on Monday evening. But I suggested going into town. These are things you think back about now. But yes, you don’t know in advance that things will turn out this way.”

The police confirm the story and have started an investigation into the assault. She has investigated the neighborhood and is looking for camera images that may show what happened. She calls on people to report if they have seen something or if anyone has camera footage.

Kenneth and his father do not want to be mentioned by last name, but their names are known to the editors.
