Kelis’ husband passed away from stomach cancer



US rapper and singer Kelis Rogers mourns the loss of her husband Mike Mora. Her management has now announced this to the US portal “Entertainment Tonight”. After his one and a half year battle with cancer, the photographer died as a result of the disease.

Mora was diagnosed with end-stage gastric cancer in 2020. It was only about a year later that he broke his silence and made the illness public on Instagram. He wrote: “The doctors said 18 months, now it’s exactly twelve.” Now he died. Mora was only 37 years old.

Numerous people have already expressed their condolences about the death of the photographer on social media. Photographer Brian Bowen Smith shared a black and white photo of Mora, among others, and wrote, “He was an amazing photographer and the nicest guy I’ve ever met.”

Kelis Rogers and Mike Mora married in 2014 and had a son together about a year later. Another daughter was born in 2020. On Instagram, Mora gave his community intimate insights into his fight against cancer. He wrote: “I want to help those going through something similar – a life-altering illness filled with questions and doubts – maybe, hopefully, by showing that it’s possible to get through it.”




