Keje Molenaar about unrest at FC Volendam: “There is no crisis in the board itself”

Keje Molenaar and Pieter de Waard are guests tonight in talk show De Aftrap. De Waard will be stepping down as general director of Telstar this summer, while Keje Molenaar has been nominated as vice-chairman of FC Volendam. Much to the dismay of the Supervisory Board, which has put the appointment on hold. Two board members have since resigned their portfolios. Nevertheless, Molenaar does not think that there is a ‘management crisis’ at the premier league.

Keje Molenaar knows about no management crisis – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

Molenaar also refers the criticism that FC Volendam is not in a good financial position to the realm of fables. “We will soon come up with the numbers that look much better than assumed.” The football club suffered a loss of a total of 1.4 million euros in the past two seasons, as a result of which its equity has fallen to almost zero.

However, Molenaar believes that the capital is on the field with players such as Derry John Murkin, Carel Eiting, Xavier Mbuyamba and Brian Plat. They are expected to provide FC Volendam with decent transfer fees when sold. Financial agreements have also been made with their employer Internazionale about the mercenaries Gaetano Oristanio and Filip Stankovic.

“We burn people. If it doesn’t work out for a while, it’s over and the next one comes in”

Telstar general manager Pieter de Waard

General director Pieter de Waard of Telstar agrees with Molenaar’s story. “Today you can have zero euros in the bank. If you sell a player, you will have one million in the bank tomorrow.” De Waard mainly insists on peace and continuity at a club. “But what do we do in football? We burn people. If it doesn’t work out for a while, it’s over and the next one comes in.”

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Pieter de Waard preaches peace – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

In the Touch the Flag section, Erik-Jan Brinkman competes against Magid Jansen, who played for Telstar in professional football, among others. Do you want to see the entire broadcast? Turn on your TV at 17.10 / 18.10 / 19.10 etc. or watch De Kickback below.

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The kick-off of Friday 17 February with Pieter de Waard and Keje Molenaar – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

Next week the stadium speaker of AZ Mark Admiraal will be a guest. Next to him is Telstar player Mitch Apau. Des Kunst is Erik-Jan Brinkman’s opponents in Raak de Vlag.

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