Kees cycles to the campsite with his sons and thinks: this isn’t going to be it

Camping, with your feet in the grass and barbecuing all day long. For many holidaymakers, a campsite is Walhalla. This summer we are looking at campers in Brabant, today they are Kees and his two sons Wes (13) and Mats (9) from Haaren. They came to the Eurocamping in Vessem by bicycle and sleep in two small tents.

Written by

Lobke Kapteijns

The journey there, that’s the adventure, says father Kees van Antwerpen from Haaren (near Oisterwijk). That’s why they’re on the bike. Behind that bicycle hangs a cart with all the furniture. But the bike ride didn’t quite go according to plan.

Kees: “I already knew in Oisterwijk: this isn’t going to be it. I had already had three bottles of water and I was bonkers. I called my wife and she loaded the cart on the bus and brought it to Vessem.”

They cycle about 25 kilometers and three hours later they arrive by bike in Vessem, the bicycle trailer has already arrived. They don’t have much with them, because it will be a two-night stay.

Kees, Wes and Mats just before departure from Haaren (private photo).
Kees, Wes and Mats just before departure from Haaren (private photo).

Everything fits in two crates. “Tents, air mattresses, sleeping bags, Goose Board, a gas stove, a candle, a phone charger and coffee for Dad,” he says. On top of the cart they had tied a table and some chairs.

It is a family tradition, says Kees. He and his wife Suus have four sons between the ages of 9 and 16. “All from the same bloodline”, he laughs. Every year he goes out on his own with one of his children, four times. “Spending time together, making memories, that’s important to me.”

“The boys remember that we went on bicycles and that daddy had sore legs.”

Actually, they were going to go with a boat that he bought earlier for one of his sons. “Together we would go up a stream with that boat, Mats,” he says to the youngest member. “And then see how far we came, bring a tent and sleep along the water.”

But that boat didn’t make any progress, so another way of transport had to be found. Just by car is not an option. Kees wants some more adventure for his boys.

“The boys remember that we went on bicycles and that daddy had sore legs. But also that day that we set up the bike together before departure, those are the memories that stay with them.”

The one crate with stuff is in Kees' front tent, with the game Ganzenbord on top.
The one crate with stuff is in Kees’ front tent, with the game Ganzenbord on top.

Later this summer they will also go camping with the whole family. “But at most a week and we will stay in the Netherlands. Preferably so close that I can go up and down home. I’m not much of a camper, as a street worker I’ve been eating my sandwiches on the sidewalk all week. That is not necessary for me. But it’s nice for the boys.”

“As a parent, you can’t just lie on the couch and say your child isn’t doing anything.”

They also don’t really need to go on holiday, he explains. Because at home they have a bush at the door and plenty of space. They are a kind of ‘family hobbybob’, says Kees jokingly.

The boys single-handedly dug a fish pond in the yard, where they also built a raft for them to sleep on in a tent. Wes made about a thousand bird houses for sale during corona and the boys converted a van into a camper.

“I’ll help them with that, because I want to make time for those men. As a parent, you cannot just lie on the couch and say that your child is not doing anything. You have to lead by example yourself. People are often so busy but you have to be there for them.”

Wes (left), Kees and Mats in front of their tents at the campsite.
Wes (left), Kees and Mats in front of their tents at the campsite.


Peeking inside the campsite: Mandy and Bo experience real freedom in their van

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