Kean, all the stunts. The party in the pandemic, the delays in the national team

At Everton, in the national team, with the bianconeri. The delay in Juventus-Atletico Madrid is only the latest episode from a disciplinary point of view

The episodes

At 22 on February 28, this umpteenth intemperance could cost him more than an exclusion in a friendly, despite a pre-season in which he showed off with a brace against Barcelona. Already a year ago the player – who will not play the first league match against Sassuolo due to disqualification – had lost an important train in his career: in the national team Mancini had called him up for the pre-European retirement, but his poor performance and the attitude shown on the pitch in the friendly against San Marino had made the difference by keeping him out of the final choices of the coach.

In Under 21

And to think that, in Azzurro, it wasn’t even the first time. Even before, in 2019, Kean was at the center of controversy in U21: he was punished by the coach Di Biagio for showing up late with Zaniolo to wake up muscle – for the umpteenth time – in preparation for the match then won 3-1 against Belgium.

The party in lockdown

Even abroad, at the time he was wearing the Everton shirt, Moise did not miss the spotlight for a misstep off the pitch. During the toughest lockdown for Covid 19 – it was the end of April 2020 – not only did he attend a party with several guests in open violation of the mandatory quarantine, but he himself sent the images in a Snapchat group, of several girls at the party illegal engaged in lap dance, complete with a mocking caption: “Clean quarantine”. Very harsh sentence of Everton and a maxi fine of 160 thousand pounds. Yesterday at the Continassa Moise we fell back, will it be the last time?
