Kayserispor will elect its new president – Last minute Kayserispor news

Kayserispor will go to the extraordinary election general assembly.

Here is the explanation on the subject:

Our Board of Directors convened with the participation of the Chairman and members, and the Extraordinary Election General Assembly was held on Saturday, 10.12.2022 at the Kadir Has Congress Center Conference Hall at 11:00 to discuss the following agenda items. It was unanimously decided to do it regardless.

1. Opening and Polling
2. Organization of the Court and Granting the Authority to Signature
3. A moment of silence and singing of the National Anthem
4. Reading the activity report of the Board of Directors
5. Reading the activity report of the Board of Auditors
6. Reading and discussion of financial statements
7. Administrative, Financial and Legal discharge of the Board of Directors
8. Administrative, Financial and Legal release of the Supervisory Board
9. Choice
– Election of the members of the Board of Directors
– Election of the members of the Supervisory Board
– Election of the members of the Disciplinary Board
10. Wishes and wishes
11. Closing

Kayserispor Club Board of Directors
