Kaylea (16) overleated aan obesitas by verwaarlozing, or guilty aan doodslag: “Ze leefde in dierlijke omstandigheden” | Buitenland

United KingdomIn Wales, a 45-year-old man is found guilty of a crime by a 16-year-old man. Het slachtoffer, Kaylea Titford, was found in October 2020 dood a in hair woning. Volgens de politie leefde de tiener, which in een rolstoel zat, in omstandigheden the “zelfs voor een dier ongeschikt were”. Kaylea’s mother, the 40-year-old Sarah Lloyd-Jones, was seriously losing her hair in December. Maar father Alun Titford (45) bleef dat dead nu toe recognized.

Paramedici vonden de 16-year-old Kaylea Titford op 10 October 2020 dood terug in het huis was ze samen met haar ouders woonde, in het Welshe dorp Newtown. Het was duidelijk dat de tiener voor haar dood bad aan toe was. Zo woog ze sea then 146 kilograms. With a length of 1.45 meters, there was a BMI of 70, which was not the case with morbid obesity.

De Ouders van Kaylea zouden dog still “seriously neglected”. The result of the autopsy was that the 16-year-old girl was overwhelmed by the disappearance of symptoms and infections as a result of being overweight. De tiener what Bovendia never sea in state om normaal te move. Are hair born Kaylea met ‘hydrocephalus’, which is also known as a waterhoofd. Ze leed daarnaast aan ‘spina bifida’ of an open rug. That is an inherent and waarbij het ruggenmerg zich not voldoende heeft developed. There is a door of spleet in de Ruggengraat.


Sarah Lloyd-Jones and Alun Titford gaven hunder niet de nodige zorg. The increase in the value of Kaylea in 2020, done in the right bank over the “dierlijke” and “onmenselijke” omstandigheden waarin de tiener leefde. Kaylea’s bedroom was then said to be “vous and rommelig”. Overall there was flow with urine, plasdoeken and voedingsresten. He was also made and others added. The hulpverleners voelden zuar zuar zeggen ziek door the “rotende” geur in the room. “It was a shocking situation,” says agent David Wilkinson. “I don’t want to know what I’m saying.”

Leerkrachten van Kaylea describes hair as a “levendige” and “onafhankelijke” tiener. Op a given moment, Zelfs would be overwhelmed by playing in a Paralympic basketball team, knock it. Kaylea’s school director said that the reason for the corona lockdown was not meer near school kwam in leraren “more excuses” van haar moeder te horen kregen. The school had the last contact with Kaylea’s ouders op 9 October 2020, a day before the tiener dood was met.

Vader Alun Titford bleef long tijd unaware that hey iets te maken had met de verwaarlozing van zijn ditch and had naar zeggen niet door hoe bad het met haar went. The 45-year-old man, the seed with Lloyd-Jones and other children, declares in the law that he will give four weeks a week to order and that he thinks that Kaylea has the last word for hair that could mean “twee dead three kilogram” was bijgekomen. Titford will be sold on the loan. Op 1 maart zullen hij en Sarah Lloyd-Jones hun punished.

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