Katri Helena on stage for a long time

Katri Helena took the stage for a long time in a Ukrainian support concert performed by Yle.

Katri Helena performed the song Bird and Child in a Ukrainian support concert. Matti Matikainen

The last few years have been a singer To Katri Helena, 76, unusual time. Due to the corona pandemic, the gig has stalled, and in recent months the artist has been preparing for the concerts this coming spring.

– There has been a long break here, and now it has been nice to start this machine again after we have had rehearsals with the conductor, Katri Helena says in her voice.

When the corona pandemic struck, singing stopped, and the artist decided to focus on outdoor activities, among other things. Lately, a lot of time has passed on the ski slopes as well. Although Katri Helena has a decades-long career as a performer, preparing for future gigs has taken a long time.

– I believe that every artist, especially after a long break, is preparing for a long-term performance, and especially in my kilometers, it requires training in breathing exercises and singing in order to be ready for the stage again.

The long-awaited moment came on Saturday, March 12, when Katri Helena was on stage at Yle’s support concert in Ukraine. The artist performed a song at the concert Bird and a childand he says the song selection was easy to make.

– Yes, I have more of those peace songs, but the Bird and the child first came to my mind when it is such a delicate and good song, he says.

War touches

The war in Ukraine has been taken heavily around the world, and Katri Helena says the news of the war was a great shock to her.

– At first a couple of days I was wondering and watching all the news, but then it went under my skin so much that I thought I was just watching the main news so I know where to go. I immediately started ringing such an alarm that this is not a good road. My mind couldn’t take it all in when that human anxiety came from there.

– After that, I made that conscious decision not to let that bad feeling go any deeper into my mind. And now I am in a better mood and I am trying to help my best in this situation, Katri Helena continues.

Katri Helena encourages everyone to pay attention to their own coping in a difficult world situation.

– Although this information about the war has paralyzed and shocked, in this situation it is important that we all take care of ourselves: we will fight forward and try to give strength to the people of Ukraine.

– That is why it is important to start a normal life and try to help those who need help. If we paralyze ourselves, then we cannot help others.

The power of music

Katri Helena believes that music can be used to gain strength in a crisis situation. For this reason, he attaches particular importance to his own work right now.

– I go to concerts to bring people good feelings and good feelings. I hope the listeners get that strength into their own lives.

In addition to the Ukrainian support concert, the artist will perform four concerts this spring in Hyvinkää, Mikkeli, Kuopio and Oulu.

In addition, the artist encourages people to make donations to charities.

– I myself have worked at Unicef ​​for more than 30 years. I encourage people to help to the best of their ability in this difficult situation. You can also participate in the collections for small amounts.

The artist congratulates the Finnish state leadership.

– This time has certainly been quite tough for them, and I would like to send them a lot of strength. I trust them, and there is a wise people there who will take care of our affairs going forward.

The Ukrainian support concert to help the victims of the war will be shown on Yle TV1, Yle Areena and Radio Finland on Saturday 12 March. 18:15 – 20:30 In addition to Katri Helena, the performers include Maija Vilkkumaa, RobinHaloo Helsinki!, Juha Tapio and Anna Puu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
