Katri Helena, 78, drove the conscripts wild

Katri Helena performed at the homecoming party of the Karelian brigade for young people entering the reserve.

Iskelmä legend Katri Helena, 78, performed on Wednesday for a large audience at Karjala brigade in Vekaranjärvi.

The servicemen and women transferring to the reserve could enjoy Katri Helena’s songs at their homecoming party on Wednesday night. The conscripts celebrated wildly in the wintry weather to the beat of the beat.

Katri Helena describes to Iltalehte on Thursday morning that the gig in Vekaranjärvi was great and the audience was excellent. He is amazed at the kind of reception he received from the conscripts – and women.

– An incredible evening! It was three degrees below zero and it was snowing slowly. The mood was absolutely dead! Katri Helena happily tells Iltalehte.

Katri Helena is happy about Wednesday’s gig. INKA SOVERI

A festival stage had been set up in the yard of the garrison, on which Katri Helena performed with her band. Katri Helena estimates that there were more than 1,000 people in the audience.

– It was wonderful to sing for them. I thought that no matter how they receive my songs, these aren’t really twenty-something songs. All the songs were sung along right from the beginning to the end! Katri Helena is happy.

Katri Helena says that the servicemen and women were allowed to vote for their favorite artist for their homecoming party. As the result of the public vote, Katri Helena sang a lot of evergreen hits for the young people. Among other things, the songs were heard at the gig Christmasland, Säkkijärvi polka and Give me the starry sky.

The conscripts posted videos of the audience on the Tiktok video service.

After the concert, an autograph session was organized for the servicemen and women, where they could meet Katri Helena herself face to face.

– That queue lasted an hour and a half! When I got to sign autographs and talk to the young people, they were really wonderful young people, girls and boys. Absolutely touchingly wonderful young people, says Katri Helena.

– Even one boy came with a marker pen, exposed his chest and asked for an autograph on his chest. They also asked for an arm and I wrote everything, of course! The singer reveals.

Katri Helena participated in Linna’s party last week. Jenni Gästgivar

Katri Helena asked every conscript man and woman the same questions.

– I asked everyone if you are going home and if your mother is waiting at home. “Wait” they answered, the artist laughs.

Katri Helena wants to wish a good life to every young person who continues to the reserve.

– I wish them all the best. They have a life ahead of them. I wish them strength, joy, peace and work in this world, says Katri Helena gently.

It appears from the Tiktok video service that a rap artist performed at the homecoming party in Kainuu brigade in Kajaani this year Lauri Haav25. Katri Helena is happy that an artist of her age and a representative of the iskelmägen genre was able to perform for young people at Vekaranjärvi.

– It’s cool that my songs have been played so much and passed through the age groups. There, perhaps even unconsciously, my songs are in people’s minds.

Next summer, Katri Helena will be able to perform again for a young audience, as she will be performing in Provinss. The artist is excited about the upcoming festival summer.

– I’d be happy to go there. Full blast! Katri Helena decides.

Katri Helena was seen at Linna’s party with her manager husband Tommi Liimatainen. Mikko Huisko
