Katja Schuurman under fire because of ‘disgusting’ advertising shoot

Katja Schuurman is under fire because of a photo shoot for the Van Bommel shoe brand. She flew all the way to a local village in Zanzibar, Africa.

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Katja Schuurman’s new advertising shoot for shoe brand Van Bommel has generated a lot of criticism. Not only do people find the setting questionable, but they also point to the location of the shoot. While Katja urges other people to reduce their CO2 emissions, she flies 15,000 kilometers herself to have two sandals photographed.

Two extras

A critical tweet by ‘stylistologist of the stars’ Nienke has already been liked thousands of times and retweeted hundreds of times. She shares Katja’s photo shoot and writes: “Katja Schuurman and Floris van Bommel advertise sandals next to children without shoes in Zanzibar. What a time to be alive.”

Journalist Chris Klomp: “That no one really thought: this may not come across as very sympathetic.”

Super housewife: “What would the 2 extras have gotten?”

And Sam: “Probably, or I’m sure, without the consent of the parents of these children, they are now exhibited everywhere…”


Incredibly tasteless, people think it is. “This certainly doesn’t deserve the beauty prize, but having Floris looking back is a bigger problem than having the children not wearing shoes,” says Yvonne. And Janet: “Yes, look back! I just can’t watch it.”

Elianne: “Oh, it’s nice that they also portray the maker of the shoe. Immediately indicates that we may need to exploit less.”

Ruben: “Katja Schuurman… founder of Return to Sender *facepalm*.”

And Arthur: “Man man man; that this can still happen.”

Fly to Zanzibar

It is also embarrassing that Katja flies all the way to Zanzibar for this, many find. Don Inigo: “Apart from the setting, why on earth do you have to go to Zanzibar with a whole crew to photograph a pair of sandals? What’s the message here? ‘Flight tax is for paupers’? “

Martine thinks it’s a waste of the airline tickets. “You could have bought shoes for the whole village for that money. Very sorry.”


Katja’s criticized photo shoot:
