‘Katja Schuurman is now fueling rumors about addiction herself: stupid!’

It is unwise for Katja Schuurman to stand up so publicly for psychedelic drugs right now, according to the men of RTL Boulevard. “Especially now that there are rumors!”

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Katja Schuurman has been in the news pretty much all week because she promotes microdosing, or regularly taking very small portions of hallucinogenic drugs to improve work performance. “I have more focus, overview, decisiveness, am clearer, more positive and more creative,” says the actress.

Bad timing

It is strange timing: Yvonne Coldeweijer recently spread the rumor that Katja had been in a South African rehab clinic. Katja denies this, but now admits to using small portions of drugs. In fact, she practically encourages her followers to do it.

Remarkable, says Luuk Ikink. “Katja Schuurman is chatting a lot on her Instagram about microdosing. And that, if I understand correctly, is just taking small amounts of drugs instead of a lot,” he says The BLVD Podcast. “The aim is for you to be sharper and more active and more present.”

‘Very clumsy’

Colleague Rob Goossens does not understand Katja’s timing. “What I find striking: there are some rumors about Katja Schuurman and an alleged addiction and an alleged treatment for it.”

He continues: “I don’t know if that’s all true, but that while the internet is talking about it, you’re getting involved in the discussion about what would lead to addiction… I would have thought: maybe in six months I’ll microdosing can begin…”

Good year

According to the well-known medium Marion Berndsen, Katja is looking forward to a good year. “I see new life in her,” she says in the Story. “Not that she gets pregnant, but something new comes into her life. More like starting her own company or product line. In any case, it has nothing to do with television.”

She says: “I do see a lot of work in a different area. Movies, many different roles. There is a lot of movement around her. She also wants to show herself again. She wanted peace for her daughter over the past year. And now that the biggest storm has subsided, she no longer wants to live a secluded life. 2024 will be a good year for her.”
