‘Katja Schuurman is not a licked sandwich’

Stella Bergsma is quite pissed off about the criticism that is being leveled at Katja Schuurman. Some think that she does not say goodbye enough to Thijs Römer, the father of their daughter.


It disturbs Stella Bergsma immensely that Katja Schuurman is even held accountable for Thijs Römer’s filthy misconduct. “I just want to stand up for our sweet, beautiful and honest Katha Schuurman. I see her being bashed on the internet because she says she would never drop Thijs as the father of her daughter.”

Licked sandwich

You can’t do that to Katja, says Stella. “Especially on twitter, the judgments are once again not of the air, where she is also frequently sl*tshamed (licked sandwich, etc.). I’m so done with this. First, what does her sexuality have to do with anything?”

She continues: “Secondly, we women don’t fall for this anymore, celebrating a sexually active man and denigrating a woman. Flash up! Third, she is not guilty of her ex-husband’s behavior. Even though I know that, just like with Jeroen Rietbergen, people prefer to drag women through the mud.”

Pretty logical

Stella completely understands Katja. “The fact that Katja cannot drop Thijs as the father of her child is quite logical! She probably just loves him too and is totally torn apart by these events. Life is complicated. Feelings are not black and white. This woman deserves our understanding and support instead of cowardly and easy judgment.”

She concludes: “As if everyone who is on the sidelines of this always does everything perfectly in their life, never doubts or is in doubt. Never struggles with conflicting feelings. Well, I have to get excited on my birthday. Go Katja ♡♡♡. A lot of strength to you and to all those involved in a case that knows no winners.”
