Katja Retsin takes acting lessons: “I haven’t regretted it for a second” | BV

“Officially back as a student two months ago, and then still at drama school,” Katja Retsin writes on social media with some photos of herself in action. “Whether I’ve gotten crazy in my head, or it seems more like a midlife crisis – I’ve mostly followed my heart and an old love, and I haven’t regretted it for a second. On the contrary! Every week I take a day to myself and throw myself completely – sometimes literally – into the world of acting. Thanks to the various top players in the field for this wonderful learning experience.” The hashtags reveal that Retsin is taking lessons at the Dutch Actors School, which has branches in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Apeldoorn. Established values ​​such as the Dutch actress Hailan Reijn (‘Red Light’) and our compatriot Eva van der Gucht (‘My Worst Best Friend’, ‘De Dokter Bea Show’) teach there.

Katja Retsin acted once before. She was seen in the 2000 film ‘Team Spirit’ and she played in ‘Het Gender De Pauw’ and ‘Willy’s and Marjetten’. In 2021 she was seen on stage in ‘Taxi Taxi!’ of The Farcetheater.
