Kathleen (49) wants to understand the Belgian past: “I do not want to be treated like this” | Inland

Belgium will be sent to the European Court of Justice of the Men for the benefit of the poor in one place. And like Kathleen Van De Vijver, for a long time she was a professional director and on the other hand, she was now speaking to a number of ‘professional professionals’ from over the world. “The majority of the equipment went beyond the infrastructure. “Is there something new that we’ve heard about?”

As we spent a week in the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp, we had the opportunity to be the director of an international newspaper. He was named an international conference plaats with one topic: Gevangenissen and detentie. Sea in 700 people the dagelijks with the leven within de gevangenis bezig zijn, kwamen seeds. They came from two worlds in 75 different countries.

Everything will be in good condition for Kathleen Van De Vijver. When the hair is in the crown, the door is the first word of the Gevangeniswezen. There were a few people who worked as a direct director for several years. In Sint-Gillis, Oudenaarde and Beveren. Maar now is the word leader and only the international contacts for the country.

The state was overaligned for large uitdagingen. Think about the verouderende Gevangenispopulatie

Kathleen Van De Vijver

Board Director

That’s why it’s good. Want to see Kathleen as Board Director of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA). “This is an organization that within the framework of the sentencing has been carried out in such a way that it will be treated well. There are two words in the word and it’s just the same as you. We have enough seeds per year – available online, a tweet is also available – and we can talk about it in different ways and have a look at the details of the issue. “It goes beyond design, technology and research.”

The incidents in the country never met a good name, even internationally. On this land, the sea will be protected from the bad people in the European Court of Justice for the Rights of Men. The distribution of Kathleen is what concerns you. Ze gaat het sensitive topic all interest never uit de weg: “The veroordelingen zijn er. This is intended to be part of the new infrastructure from the Belgians. Net daarom zetten we al grandchildren jaren volop in op de bouw van nieuwe, modern stories. Maar we noticed that the building of this new part of the process is complex. In the first instant the crime was forgotten. “We don’t want anyone to come back to the city.”

I am a fan of televisieprogramma’s over het leven in de gevangenis

Kathleen Van De Vijver

Televisie as hulpmiddel

What people want to see: televisieprogramma’s over the life of gedetineerden, within en buiten de gevangenismuren. Kathleen also worked on this. “I have a really great opinion on the program. Want the anger for a blijvend draagvlak voor humane detentie before the public opinion. Het tooont aan dat gedetineerden a fout maakten, maar nog steeds cafeterias blijven. 99 percent of the money will be punished by the judge. This is what we want as a maatschappij also gewoon goed op voorbereiden.”

When Kathleen spoke about the past, she did so. The word ‘humane detentie’ comes from the zoveel battlements. The army does the same with a menselijke treatment van gedetineerden, hair absolutely stokpairdje. “It starts with little things. I’m talking about the altijd over ‘gedetineerden’ and not over ‘gevangenen’. In this way we can also access the infrastructure. In this case we can see that the conference is held here. So we can really understand them. We can also tone the experts using modern gospel settings. In the state really haaks op de veroordelingen die ons land heeft opgelopen.”

Disturbance of the gospel population

Now Kathleen Verkozen, as Board Director, is one of the most important (digital) experts. Ze is vereerd and kijkt uit naar hun visies. “I want my places to be used for the steles with my eyes. This means that we have to overleg the most of our foodstuffs. You can bring ideas to the land that you can bring. Want the Gevangeniswezen Staat wereldwijd voor heel wat uitdagingen: think maar aan de verouderende Gevangenispopulatie of burn-outs in the personeel.”
