Katharina Althaus has to do without ski jumping in Hinzenbach – ski jumping – winter sports

“She is fine, she is symptom-free”, said Florian Porzig, team doctor of the German Ski Association (DSV). Althaus had recently won silver on the normal hill at the Winter Games in Beijing and was then disqualified in the mixed competition because of an allegedly non-compliant suit. The DSV team was then eliminated.

“It’s a shame I have to take a break, I’m in very good shape”said Althaus, who received the positive test result earlier in the week: “I’m pinning all my hopes on returning to RawAir in Norway.” The competition series begins in early March.

Hessler also has to fit, Görlich with it

According to the women’s national coach Maximilian Mechler in Hinzenbach “Pauline Hessler also fit, she has a problem with her back and is taking a break this weekend. Luisa Görlich and Anna Rupprecht are back, as well as Josephin Laue, who has shown very good performances in the Continental Cup.”

Source: sid
