Kate Middleton sends a package to Ukraine: «We are thinking of you all»

Qhen she was asked if she would like to prepare a package herself for the victims of the Ukrainian conflict, Kate Middleton he didn’t have it repeated. Visiting at The assistance center Vsi Razom (which literally means “all together”), in Bracknell, in Buckinghamshire, the Princess of Wales sI immediately got to work, choosing the products to include in the box and then packaging everything with great skill. In the end, she spontaneously took a pen and in one corner of the package she wrote: “We’re all thinking of you.”

Kate Middleton and the green suit, for a working royal day at the office

Kate Middleton for Ukraine

The princess, 41, also joined a group of children who were drawing, helping them complete a floral collage. And he also wanted to take part in a moving artistic project: following the instructions of a little boy, he put a glove on his right hand, dipped his hand in blue paint and then placed it next to the branch of a tree painted in a painting created on the occasion of the first anniversary of the conflict. But first she promised: «I will make less confusion than my children».

The bow brooches turned out badly

“I don’t think you’ll be able to sell this one,” commented a dissatisfied Kate when examining the bow brooch dedicated to Ukraine, which he had tried to prepare with the help of the team responsible for their creation. The yellow and blue pins, the Ukrainian national colors, are sold to support the center and aid sent to the front.

The Princess of Wales prepares the package to send to Ukraine, Bracknell, England, October 4, 2023 (Getty Images)

Kate Middleton: «When Charlotte sings I feel in a good mood»

Kate yes she then stopped to chat with the psychologist Tetiana Sverdlova, who fled the conflict together with her eight-year-old daughter, Liza. And it was the little girl who impressed the princess, who knelt down to chat with her about music and songs: «This morning I heard my daughter Charlotte singing» Kate immediately told her. «It was a song called Shine Jesus Shineand I immediately felt happy.”

The cast of Kate’s hand in a painting dedicated to the Ukrainian conflict, Bracknell, England, October 4, 2023 (Getty Images)

The Princess of Wales’ commitment to Ukraine

Kate and her husband William have never hidden their solidarity with Ukraine, the resistance to the Russian invasion and international humanitarian efforts, meeting President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena several times. And also on this occasion the princess made her voice heard, personally asking to visit the centre.

Kate’s support for volunteers (Ukrainian and otherwise)

In addition to sending aid to Ukraine, the center Vsi Razom Community Hub it also offers assistance to refugee families now residing in Great Britain, often hosted by English families. AND Middleton thanked the many volunteers, many of whom have no personal connection to Ukraine: “Please continue to do this incredible work. It’s truly a privilege to see how you work.”

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