Kate Middleton “rebels”, she and her children celebrate Halloween

OREvery year, on October 31st, British Royal homes ignore Halloween. An ancient custom, which dates back to Queen Victoria, who he did not consider the use of masks and eccentric disguises dignified. Elizabeth II agreed, and in all 70 years of her reign she had forbidden any celebration, even private. But he couldn’t stop Kate Middleton who, ever since she became a mother, has mocked the ban. The Princess of Wales likes to dress up: she did it herself in 2007 for a party organized in London by her sister Pippa.

Halloween, hunting ghosts or wearing masks on the street: how it is celebrated around the world

Kate Middleton and George, Charlotte and Louis’ Halloween

Although he is an heir to the throne and his existence should conform to Royal customs, Prince George, 10, has been used to celebrating Halloween since his early years. Kate often did like many English mothers, improvising the costumes herself. And on more than one occasion she was seen in the shopping centers in the area, rummaging through the masks on sale looking for ideas.

George, Charlotte and Louis: «Trick or treat?»

A private party is organized for the little ones at home, with all the decorations required for the occasion, themed desserts and lots of games. Then, another act of rebellion against the royal house, and in particular Queen Elizabeth: Kate herself accompanies her children to do trick or treat, trick or treat, knocking on the doors of neighbors who, expecting it every year, have sweets and sweets ready.

Kate Middleton and the children hunting ghosts

George and Charlotte are curious. They have heard all the tales of ghosts that haunt the court – even his great-grandfather Filippo told them to him – and one of my favorite games when I’m in a notoriously haunted manor is to go ghost hunting. In Windsor, in particular, they are spoiled for choice. From Elizabeth I to the Queen Mother, there have been as many as 25 ghostly sightings witnessed in the last decades in the thousand-year-old castle.

George, Charlotte and Louis play with mum Kate, Slough, England, May 2023 (Getty Images)

William: «There is no Royal residence without ghosts»

On visiting Anmer Hall, his current country home, for the first time and learning about of the existence of a ghost even in his rooms, Prince William commented laughing: “There is no Royal residence without ghosts.” Queen Camilla knows something about it, and refuses to enter Dumfries House, one of Charles’ Scottish homes, because she senses a strange presence there.

And the hunt continues at Sandringham too

King Charles is ready to bet on the existence of a poltergeista particularly mischievous spirit, in the Royal Christmas residence. One evening, the then Prince of Wales, sitting in the palace library in the company of one of his valets, was even forced to escape due to a sudden frost and with the clear sensation of no longer being alone in the room…

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