Katariina Havukainen talks about her family relationship with the Salminte family

Katariina Havukainen’s family includes several public figures.

Katariina Havukainen in 2016. Pasi Liesimaa/IL

Actor Katariina Havukainen and comedian-actor Krisse Salminen speak in the latest In an interview with Me Naiset magazine from their family relationships.

Katariina became part of Krisse’s family when her mother Riitta Havukainen started a family with Krisse’s brother Eppu Salminen in the 1990s.

Four-year-old Katariina got a brother from Epu’s son Roope Salmi, who is only a year older than Katariina, when the families united. Later, Epu and Riita’s son was born to the family.

Katariina has never considered her siblings as half-siblings.

– I have never talked about half-brothers, says Kata.

– Both are my brothers, just like Krisse is my aunt, even if they are not biologically.

Katariina has more siblings through her father. Although Katariina’s family patterns have looked complicated to outsiders, they have always been clear in her own mind.

– The nuclear family norm is so strong that I remember as a child how difficult it was to explain my own family structure to others. It was completely clear and normal to me.

Now Eppu and Riitta have already separated, but the two say that the family has stayed together. The family still gets together at Christmas and keeps in close contact through the whole family Whatsapp group.

Havukainen is known for, among other things, the series Sorjonen and Black widows.
