Kat Frankie covers PJ Harvey with ‘Send His Love to Me’

PJ Harvey, Amy Winehouse, Madonna, Nina Hagen, Aretha Franklin: They were and are all style-defining icons in music history. Countless artists have been influenced by their unique skills and felt motivated to pick up the microphone or an instrument themselves and thus captivate crowds. With “RS Idols” we clear the stage for musicians that we love, appreciate and find incredibly inspiring. From Leslie Clio to Sofia Portanet and ZUSTRA, we present you mini live sessions in which they cover their great role models and give legendary pieces by PJ Harvey and Co. their own twist.

In the second round of our RS Idols series, Kat Frankie shares her (ukulele) version of PJ Harvey’s song Send His Love to Me.

Listen here:

Stay tuned for next, why she chose this song and what advice she would give to her younger self.

Watch the latest RS Idols episode with Leslie Clio here.
