Kasari icon Dolph Lundgren got two months to live

Dolph Lundgren was diagnosed with cancer less than 10 years ago.

Dolph Lundgren, 66, says he’s healthy. PDO

Actor With Dolph Lundgren was diagnosed with cancer in 2015. The cancer worsened and Lundgren was given only a few months to live.

– I prepared to die, Lundgren says now In an interview with Aftonbladet.

So the cancer was originally discovered in 2015, when Lundgren was visiting his native Sweden.

– I was in Sweden to participate in the Gumball 3000 event. During the trip, I found out that I have a tumor in my left kidney. I returned to Los Angeles where it was cut out. I had regular check-ups and found out that the cancer was gone.

But the cancer came back and it had spread.

– The turn of the year 2021-2022 was really dark. The doctor in London said I should take it easy and enjoy the rest of my time with my family. I noticed how he thought I had very little time to live.

Lundgren wanted a second opinion, and he got one from a Greek doctor at UCLA (University of California). It turned out that Lundgren had received the wrong treatment. Lundgren had, as he himself describes, an unusual variant of that cancer. Due to the wrong treatment, Lundgren developed stomach problems and lost weight.

Dolph Lundgren (oik) is remembered for this role. Standing opposite Lundgren is Sylvester Stallone, who played Rocky. PDO

The Greek doctor prescribed Lundgren a treatment usually used for lung cancer. At the end of 2022, the cancer was gone.

– I have learned to live with the fact that death can be close. At first I was told that I had a few years to live, then at UCLA they said that I only had a couple of months to live if I continued my old treatment.

The cancer has stayed away and Lundgren says he is doing well now.

Lundgren is best remembered for his role as Ivan Drago in the film Rocky IV. In addition, he has acted in films such as Masters of the Universe and The perfect soldier.
