Karel De Gucht: “Poetin is a psychopath, so she can be ignored” | Buitenland

The Gucht is a poet, who is also the minister of Buitenlandse Zaken was, but they are also on the same list as Europe’s Commissaris for Trade.

“Hij is a psychopaat, that’s why he’s overheard,” he said. “One of the things to remember is that the children are poor and their grandchildren have the ability to raise. As I speak with him, I speak with a mirror. You get a reaction from your grandchildren. Hij is vrij frightening peculiarity.”

For the Gucht maakten de ontmoetingen toen al duidelijk dat he a large root gevaar van Poetin uitgaat. “For a wereldoorlog, with an overrompeling of Europe from Russia, we don’t want to see,” says Hij. “Hij krijgt zelfs Oekraïne niet under controle.”

Maar wat zo gevaarlijk is aan Poetin, is volgens De Gucht dat hij no one is the “ontwrichtend werkt”. “That’s not all in Europe, it’s also in Syria and with the Wagner group in the Sahel.”
