Kara, 31, from Tampere, has never owned a smartphone

Kara Hietaharjulla, 31, is still using her first phone. The legendary Nokian 3310 model christened as SpongeBob is enough for his needs.

Everyone knows the meme about the eternal durability of the Nokia 3310 phone.

Spindle Sanding brush is a perfect example of meme verisimilitude.

The old and faithful Nokian, which has been in use for more than 20 years, has an artist name Spindle Milan the man from Tampere still using the handset in 2024.

But why?

– The biggest reason is nostalgia. SpongeBob was my first phone as a child, of course I’m attached to it, says Milan.

Kara Hietaharju, stage name Kara Milan, presents “Paavoa”. The legendary Nokian has been on the road for almost 20 years. Miia Sirén

You can call and message Milan with Paavo. Those features are enough.

– I have nothing against the internet or social media. I use them myself, but on a computer. I don’t think I need a smartphone for anything, says Milan.

Paavo and Milan’s common sky has lasted almost 20 years.

– Not once have I thought about exchanging SpongeBob for a smartphone. In middle school, there was some serious thinking for a while, when my friend had a phone where you could download real songs, Milan laughs.

SpongeBob lasts

Milan hopes to find some white shells somewhere to brighten up SpongeBob’s appearance. Miia Sirén

The meme is true. The phone still works well, although it has not always been treated with silk gloves.

– SpongeBob has sometimes gone swimming in the pond. It has also dripped onto asphalt and sand. As a teenager, you had to go to the sauna with it, Milan lists the incidents that tested the endurance of the Nokian.

However, the years have also taken their toll.

– The battery is not original. I just received a new, unused battery from a lovely person. You have to do the annual maintenance and replace it. I’m still waiting to see if I could find the white protective covers somewhere, so that I could change Paavo’s appearance as well, Milan is planning.

Things can be done by machine too

Milan does not feel that he needs a smartphone to run his daily life. However, he has nothing against using it. Miia Sirén

Without a doubt, the smartest feature of a smartphone compared to an old-fashioned cell phone is access to the internet.

Milan doesn’t need that feature.

– Using the internet on a computer works very well. In fact, I’ve heard that there are far fewer ads on pages on a computer than on a smartphone, says Milan.

Milan realizes that a smartphone could make his everyday life easier. However, sticking to good old SpongeBob produces much more good than bad aspects.

– In addition to data security issues, I feel that I am more present and genuinely focus on meetings when I don’t have a smartphone. In addition, I would find it terribly stressful if I had to be available all the time.

– Of course, the settings of the smartphone can also be changed in such a way that it does not receive notifications all the time. But I don’t know if my own self-discipline would last, or if the opportunity would make a thief, Milan laughs.

Milan lists the lack of the messaging app Whatsapp as the only downside to his phone choice.

– I don’t get to participate in the group discussions there, because of that I can stay a little outside of things. Fortunately, I can still be reached in other ways.

Understanding for the smart phone

Milan feels that not having a smartphone helps him focus better and pay attention to the people around him. Miia Sirén

Milan emphasizes that he has nothing against smartphones themselves.

He has even considered buying one.

– For example, it could be a handy second phone when traveling. Now I carry a laptop with me, Milan reflects.

He does not want to interfere with the use of other smartphones in any way.

– I understand that for many, using a smartphone is an option that makes life easier.

When thinking about it, Milan puts his words precisely. He does not want to moralize and preach.

The smartphone is not the problem, but the websites and applications that are used on it.

– I would say that at the point when you yourself notice, or someone close to you points out that the use of a smartphone is causing problems, it is worth considering whether you should limit your own use of the phone. Especially if you could feel better by reducing the use of your smartphone, says Milan.

“There are others of us”

The original “Radiolinja” still reads as the affiliation, even though it changed to Elisa already years ago. Miia Sirén

Milan himself understands the media attention his choice of phone has received.

– Through these stories, I have received many contacts where other people who use old phones tell about their existence. There are quite a lot of us, this is not such a special thing after all, says Milan.

If something were to happen to the venerable Paavo, who has reached the age of more than 20 years, Milan would not throw the phone for recycling on light grounds. He doesn’t even want to think about the day when his beloved phone breaks beyond repair.

– I have decided to go to great lengths to keep SpongeBob. I’m known for retro things anyway, so this phone suits me well, says Milan.

Karan’s phone was reported earlier From Tampere. Iltalehti has previously told about Milan’s collection of Furby toys.
