Kanye West: “I Like Hitler” and “I’m a Nazi, Now What?”

Kanye West was a guest on Thursday (December 1) on “InfoWars,” a far-right show hosted by Alex Jones. There, West said sentences that were extremely disturbing, even for his standards. Among other things, he said that he loved Hitler and was a Nazi. Right-wing nationalist Nick Fuentes, who was visiting Donald Trump in Florida to accompany Kanye West, was also part of the show.

One topic of the show was the whole situation surrounding Kanye West and his anti-Semitic comments, which he had repeatedly made. In the past he has apologized for it, but has insisted on his views – and now he’s upping the ante. Kanye West wore a mask over his face during the show, similar to what he’s worn to concerts and fashion events in the past. “You’re not a Nazi and you don’t deserve to be made into a demon,” began Alex Jones, to which Kanye West replied, “Well, I see good things in Hitler. I love everyone.” He explained that Hitler invented the autobahn and microphones that Kanye West uses as a musician and continued: “You can’t say that this person has ever done anything good. And I’m done with that. I’m done with the classifications. Each person contributes something valuable. Especially Hitler.” When Jones talked about how the Nazis did really bad things, West interrupted him: “But they also did good things. We have to stop dissing the Nazis.” At another point, the rapper commented, “I like Hitler. The Holocaust didn’t happen, let’s look at the facts and Hitler had a lot of balancing qualities.” “I’m a Nazi, now what?” even proclaimed Kanye West. He also said, “I love Jews, but I also love Nazis,” to which Alex Jones replied, “I have to disagree with you there.”

In addition to numerous criticisms of his statements, Kanye West was again banned from Twitter because he Swastika posted inside a Star of David. Just under two weeks ago, the rapper’s account was unlocked, as was Donald Trump’s account. The US Holocaust Museum said of Kanye West: “Under Adolf Hitler’s leadership and imbued with his racially motivated ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the mass murder of 6 million Jews and millions of other victims. Learn history,” referring to an article about Hitler.

John Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, which campaigns against discrimination against Jews, wrote on Twitter: “To say you ‘like Hitler’, ‘love the Nazis’ and spend all your time with a white supremacist is power one thing clear: you are a vicious anti-Semite.”

West says he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2017. Kiss singer Paul Stanley said a few weeks ago that mental illness is an illness, but it should never diminish the dangers of hate speech, anti-Semitism or violence against religion or ethnic groups.
