Kamminga qualifies for the 100-meter breaststroke final at the World Cup

Arno Kamminga has qualified for the final of the 100 meter breaststroke. The swimmer from Amsterdam was the fastest in the series in Budapest. In the semifinals, he finished first in his own competition, but was third overall.

Kamminga had to beat Nicolo Martinenghi (58.46) and Nic Fink (58.55). He himself achieved a time of 58.89. The final of the 100-meter breaststroke is scheduled for Sunday evening. On Wednesday, Kamminga will also participate in the 200-meter breaststroke at the World Cup.

The Amsterdammer expects to be ready for his first final. “I haven’t lost a race here yet and will be racing tomorrow. It will be very exciting. This is my first World Cup final and I’m going for more,” he told NOS .

4x100m freestyle

The Amsterdam Valerie van Roon was with Kim Busch, Tessa Giele and Marrit Steenbergen in the final of the 4×100 meter freestyle. The Netherlands was seventh and second-last for Hungary with 3:38.18.

Other participants from North Holland are Lars Bottelier (IJmuiden), Thom de Boer (Amsterdam), Tes Schouten (Amsterdam), Marcel Schouten (Haarlem) and Kira Toussaint (Assendelft).
