Kambiz is functional manager: ‘I never want to leave here’ | Salary

SalaryHow much do you earn? We ask a Dutch person that every week. Today: Kambiz (46) works 36 hours a week as a functional manager for the government. He and his team ensure that all applications function properly.

What do you earn?
“Gross it is 3766 euros and net you come to 2674 euros.”

Happy with?
“Amazing. I have been working for the national government for 14 years, at various ministries. I started in a new department on January 1. I had to do an assessment. That was very exciting, because it was at an academic level. I have completed my bachelor’s degree myself. I was also investigated by the AIVD. I have to deal with personal data, so you have to be a nice person to be able to work there. I was able to get permanent employment right away. I knew the manager and she is one of the best manager I have ever experienced. She helps you to a higher level. I never want to leave here.”

Why are you such a fan of hers?
“You know, many employers squeeze all the energy out of your body, that’s a hard fact. Here I get energy from the leadership. I had surgery on my back at the end of September. At the beginning of December, the doctor allowed me to start again, but for an hour a day. In the second week two hours a day and from February I was able to work nine hours a day again. My supervisor said, ‘Kambiz, you have to comply with that. I’ve been glad you came to work for us for a long time.’

But then I got corona at the beginning of February. It flattened me completely. I was ashamed to call her that I couldn’t come. And this week I was sick again. Again I was so ashamed. But when I called her she said: ‘Your health is much more important than work. Go get sick. When you’re better, you come to the office. Or you can work from home, whichever you prefer.’ So caring, unbelievably ordinary.”

Are you used to it differently?
,,I have experienced that, when I was sick, I was called every two days to ask if I was better and to come to the office. That didn’t feel good.”


I have improved about 150 euros gross due to the job change

What are your secondary employment conditions?
“We get an OV chip card that you can use for business. I have a laptop and a company phone. I receive a homework allowance of two euros per day and an individual choice budget of 600 euros gross per month. That is also my year-end bonus and holiday pay.”

Have you negotiated your salary?
,,No that does not work. If you go to a higher position, you will automatically go up one scale and one step. I have gained about 150 euros gross as a result of the job change. From next year I will earn 3919 euros.”

Ever tried?
“No, there was no negotiation where I worked before.”

Do you know what your colleagues earn?
Good question, but no, I don’t know. I think the same.”

Would you like to know?
“No, I don’t want them to know about me either. Then you’re going to get the discussion. I try to avoid that.”

How do you see your future?
“I just started three months ago. This is my future. It’s about gaining knowledge and making sure I get my certification. That is why it is important to me to have a good manager. Then they can also give you opportunities.”

Does Kambiz earn enough?

Age: 46
Number of years of work experience: 23
Number of working hours per week: 36
Education: secondary vocational education
Position: IT Consultant
Industry: Central government
Number of employees: 3300
Country of residence of the head office: The Netherlands

According to the Salary Guide the average salary for his position is EUR 3,095 gross. ,,I earn almost 700 euros more. I did not expect that. I’m fine.”

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What is the Salary Guide? 7 Questions & Answers

1. Based on how many hours of work per week is the salary based?

Salary is based on a 40 hour work week.

2. Is the calculated salary including or excluding holiday pay?

The monthly salary shown does not include holiday pay.

3. Does the calculated gross salary include or exclude commissions and/or bonuses?

The forecasted gross salary excludes variable components such as commissions, bonuses and so on.

4. Does the calculated gross salary include a 13th month?

No, the predicted gross salary is a ‘normal’ monthly salary without settlement of a 13th or 14th month.

5. I work for a multinational with 10,000 employees worldwide. However, the Dutch team consists of 50 employees. What do I choose for company size?

The size of the organization is limited to the number of colleagues in the Netherlands.

6. What does budget authority mean?

This is the maximum amount that you can spend for professional purposes and for which you do not need permission from a manager.

7. How often is the information that serves as the basis for the National Vacature Bank Salary Guide updated?

Salaries and fringe benefits are not static data, but are constantly evolving.

Do you want a higher salary? This is how you arrange it:
