Kalletal ax killer caught in Brandenburg!

June 18, 2022: Investigators remove the victim's body

June 18, 2022: Investigators remove the victim’s body Photo: Leon Stock/dpa

From BZ/dpa

After almost five weeks on the run, the alleged ax murderer from North Rhine-Westphalia has been arrested. The 36-year-old was arrested in Brieskow-Finkenheerd, Brandenburg, near the Polish border, police and prosecutors said on Friday.

He is said to have killed a 39-year-old in bed with an ax on June 18. Then he is said to have raped his ex-girlfriend, who had an affair with the victim and was lying next to him in bed in Kalletal, in another room.

Special forces from the Brandenburg police arrested him late Thursday evening, it said. In addition, there was a close exchange with Polish law enforcement authorities. In the suspected event that the man flees to the neighboring country, they would have been ready to access the police and public prosecutor’s office.

Kalletal: Police vehicles are parked on a street during the large-scale manhunt for the ax killer

Kalletal: Police vehicles are parked on a street during the large-scale manhunt for the ax killer Photo: Christian Müller/dpa

In the course of Friday he should be brought to Detmold and presented to a magistrate there. They will announce the existing arrest warrant for murder, the message said.


Brandenburg police murder case North Rhine-Westphalia
