Kali Yoga a way of life

Why do you offer so many different class styles?

We want Yoga to reach each person who lives in this world and to each one of them, we know that we arrive in a different way.

Some with Aeroyoga, where they feel like they are flying, others are free with Vinyasa, a very dynamic class, detox, burning impurities.

Others choose Hatha Yoga, a practice to inhabit each posture connecting with the breath.

Others prefer the use of elements, which help to achieve postures, greater openness, expansion, such as Kuruntas, Yoga Wall, Hatha with Elements classes.

If it is about alignment, we have designed a special method: Sthira Sukham, with the use of aligning bars, is worked on in each posture, helping the body, providing stability and comfort.

Last but not least, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m. we carry out meditation practices, the jewel of yoga; they are guided meditations and each meeting we address different topics.

The proposal of the Studio is that each practitioner take each of the classes that we offer and that day by day choose what their body and mind needs,

What do you consider to be your differential?

As director of the place, I trained at the University and have taken a wide variety of courses. I am currently studying a Masters in Yoga.

We have invested in having a unique place, in space, facilities and resources for the practice.

On Tuesday, June 21, Kali Yoga celebrated International Yoga Day at the Pilar Sheraton Hotel.

The event consisted of a Masterclass that was dictated by 4 Teachers from the Studio and a closing with a Guided Meditation by Mónica Duran, director of Kali Yoga.

80 people have attended, including dinner and toast.

We take care of every detail of the decoration and setting of the place, recreating the warmth, aromas and sensations that exist in each Yoga class.

In the center of the room, they prepared a Giant Mandala in the center the Goddess Kali, with natural flowers surrounded by 100 candles.

A festive atmosphere was felt, with great joy, good company and union.

Yoga means union and in this celebration it was represented.

What experience are you looking to provide your customers?

The understanding that this ancient practice resists the passage of time, due to the strength that comes from knowing the Being with all its nuances, from the epithelial, muscular, and skeletal aspects. To this is added the breath, the mind and the energy frameworks, as a path to a healthy balance.

Quality of service is often very important. Where do you like to put the focus?

The focus is on attending as much as possible and always achieving unique experiences. Classes can be an hour long, but each class takes much more time to prepare and plan.

We like to be in every detail, so that each practice can awaken the 5 senses in each student.

What is the bond that is generated with the client?

I am convinced that there is an energetic world, the link is interaction and the practitioners feed back the practice. It is not unidirectional.

There are links that have been generated over the years, that transcend the Mat.

What are the greatest satisfactions that your work gives you? How are they projected?

Recommendations and new students. I always receive very good comments and encouragement to move forward.

We are attentive to the demand of our students as well as the demands of the current market; Today technology occupies a very important role in society, so we will start working on providing courses, workshops and training online.

Contact details: Address: Las Camelias 3324 Office Park North. Pillar. Buenos aires – Instagram: kaliyoga.pilar.

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