Kalervo Kummola was elected to the IIHF gallery of honor

Kimmo Leinonen was also awarded the Paul Loicq award.

Kalervo Kummola’s long-term work for hockey was rewarded. Mika Kanerva

International Ice Hockey Federation IIHF your name next members of their gallery of honor on Saturday. Long-time chairman of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association and former vice-chairman of the IIHF Kalervo Kummola was named part of the gallery of honor.

From 1997 to 2016, Kummola served as president of the Finnish Ice Hockey Federation and at the same time as vice president of the IIHF from 2003 until 2021.

In addition to the “Iron Chancellor”, he entered the IIHF Hall of Fame Jimmy Foster, Cristobal Huet, Brian Leech, Caroline Ouellette, Henrik Zetterberg and Sandra Dombrowski.

At the same time, the IIHF awarded the Paul Loicq Award Kimmo Leinonen, who founded the Finnish Hockey Museum and the Hockey Gallery of Honor together with Kummola. In addition, Leinonen has worked as IIHF’s marketing manager.

The Paul Loicq Award is given to a person who has made significant contributions to the IIHF and international ice hockey.
