Kalervo Kummola roared about Aleksei Navalny’s death

Kalervo Kummola commented on the suspected death of Aleksei Navalny.

Sad news came from Russia on Friday, when opposition leader Alexei Navalny was suspected to have died.

The news has shocked people around the world. Kalervo Kummola, the former chairman of the Finnish Hockey Association and the current mayor of Tampere, also took a stand on the matter.

– Investigating Alexei Navalny’s death will become a farce like Boris Nemtsov etc. from the investigations of many other deaths. Yes, our neighbor has sunk deep, Kummola wrote in the message service X.

Boris Nemtsov was one of the main critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Nemtsov served as Russia’s deputy prime minister from 1997 to 1998, but later became an opposition politician. He died in 2015 when he was shot on a bridge.

According to Bellingcat, who became famous for his investigative journalism, Nemtsov was shadowed by the FSB assassin group before his murder.

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Accusations towards Russia from Niinistö

Kalervo Kummola roared. Pasi Liesimaa

Russia’s prison service FSIN said on Friday that Navalnyi has died. Navalny had lost consciousness while on a walk. He had complained of feeling unwell just a moment before.

Navalnyi died despite attempts to revive him. The President of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, blames Russia for Navalny’s death.

– I am deeply saddened and shocked by the death of Alexei Navalny in prison. Russia bears the responsibility. I want to express my heartfelt condolences to Navalny’s family and his friends, Niinistö wrote in the message service X.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

On Valentine’s Day, Navalnyi was transferred to solitary confinement for the fourth time in less than two months. Navalny’s last message was his Valentine’s Day wish for his wife To Yulia Navalnaya.

Navalny quoted the Polish singer in his message of love Anna German Nadéžda song.

– My dear, everything between us is like a song: between us there are cities, the lights of airport runways, blue blizzards and thousands of kilometers, Navalnyi wrote and continued:

– But I feel you near every single second, and I love you more and more.

The death of Alexei Navalny has shocked people. EPA / AOP
