Kalervo Kummola cried after the Olympic gold was solved

Kalervo Kummola, who did a long job in front of Finnish hockey, became very sensitive after the Olympic gold medal.

– Unbelievable thing. It took a long time. There are so many familiar players and coaches on the team. This was a well-deserved victory, Kalervo Kummola, the former chairman of the Hockey Association, told Iltalehti only a minute after the final buzzer.

– This final game was incredible. Finland was a clearly better team, it doesn’t have two words. Of course, that third installment was long, Kummola continued.

Finland won the Russian final 2-1. The lions’ scorers were Ville Pokka and Hannes Björninen.

The Iron Chancellor could not speak without tears. Emotions were on the surface.

– Yes, this goes heavily into emotions.

Home games coming up

Kalervo Kummola became sensitive when the Lions won the magnificent Olympic gold. Pasi Liesimaa

Hockey is strongly present in the daily lives of Finns this spring. The men’s Olympic gold is already on the placard. The May World Cup tournament is ahead, which will be played in Tampere and Helsinki. Finland is the biggest favorite of the winners.

The World Championships for under-20s are on the calendar in June.

– This was the best possible marketing for home games. After all, the position of hockey is strong in Finland, Kummola states.

Kummola is the most significant individual in building a strong position in hockey in Finland.

He has represented Finland at the International Hockey Federation’s federal meetings since 1976. He joined the IIHF’s board in 1998 and served as the IIHF’s vice-chairman from 2003 until 2021.

Finland was included in the activities of the International Hockey Federation IIHF in 1928. The hunting for Olympic hockey gold lasted 94 years.

Video: Discovery +

Lions celebrate hockey Olympic gold. AOP
