Kaj Lindström comments on wild rumors

For the first time in almost three years, Toyota’s rally team was left without a prize in the World Rally Championship in Sardinia, which ended on Sunday.

Kaj Lindström does not believe in rumors about Hyundai’s departure. Aki Hietavala

Toyota Sports CEO Kaj Lindström congratulated the rival team Hyundai, who finally got his opening win of the season from Sardinia.

– I would always like to see my own cars win, but of course they have had great difficulties and this is definitely a big deal for them.

– Their success also makes the series more interesting for the audience to follow when there is fierce competition. Big congratulations to them, Lindström said.

According to rumors, Hyundai’s Korean office has already considered starting the World Championships with little success.

– I can’t really comment on that. I suspect those speeches have been blown away by the wind, Lindström acknowledged.

On different lines with Lapland

Kalle Rovanperä was the best Toyota driver in fifth place. Lindström, CEO of Sports, was calm. Despite a sluggish race, Toyota maintained a 39-point lead in the Manufacturers World Cup ahead of Hyundai.

– Of course, every rally is based on victory and prize places. The situation for Kalle was such that he did not have the fins to drive from there. However, Kalle did the job well and brought home the points that could be taken. He was able to increase his lead in the World Series, so in that sense, Lindström told Iltalehti.

– Kalle didn’t fool around during the whole race and didn’t lose points in vain. Annoying though Esapekan (Lapland) that went around. With Power, however, he attacked a bit and also got some points.

Lapland drove violently out on Saturday morning when the rock hit the bottom armor, as a result of which the car’s driving line changed and the rear wheel hit the rock.

According to the Finnish driver, similar attacks are a weak point in a Toyota race car. Lindström experienced the situation differently.

– I do not agree with Esapeka. Of course, this race was the first decent test for this car. Now if there was nothing to improve, then miraculously it would be. Let’s go through things carefully and improve in the future.

“Surely some medicine can be found”

Toyota drivers also annoyed the car’s driveability with poor grip sections. According to Lindstöm, the team is aware of the situation, but no single magic trick to find a hold is known.

– Yes, I think there will be some medicine for that. Directly, if the solution were known, it would certainly have already been done. The car is being developed all the time. Let’s take a close look at this race and see what can be done better in the future.

The World Series will continue at the Kenya Safari Rally in three weeks.
