Kahn comments on a possible Laimer transfer

FC Bayern has a large star ensemble in midfield. Leipzig star Konrad Laimer still plays a role – and could switch to the record champions.

A change from Konrad Laimer from Leipzig to FC Bayern Munich is still pending. Before the two clubs met in the Supercup, those responsible for the club commented on the personal details that had been smoldering for some time. “Of course we talked about Konrad Laimer. At the moment there is nothing to say about it,” said Bavaria’s CEO Oliver Kahn on Saturday in Leipzig at the Sat.1 station: “We’ll have to wait and see how things develop.”

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Allegedly, Bayern have already turned down two offers for the powerful midfielder from Austria. The 25-year-old has a contract in Leipzig that is still valid for one year. According to reports, he would like to switch to Bayern.

“The situation is relatively relaxed for us,” said Leipzig CEO Oliver Mintzlaff. “Of course we want a decision as soon as possible. It will also come promptly,” he announced, but without having a tendency: “There is no basta from me here, neither in one direction nor in the other.” The longer this drags on, the more difficult it becomes to do it.

Coach Domenico Tedesco emphasized that time speaks for Leipzig. In the Supercup game (read how the game went here) against Bayern, Laimer played for Leipzig from the start.
