Kadyrov steunt Palestina en wil Tsjetsjeense strijders stubborn “om orde te manufacture” | Buitenland

Unfortunately, even if the poets were bloody, they were able to create a video booth in the international community with the aim of “in the country and the world escalating in the Midden-Oosten te voorkomen” in the recent years of militants from Hamas in the Israeli countryside.

“Wij steunen Palestine. “In our opinion, those who are involved in other conflicts can escalate into a major conflict,” Aldus Kadyrov.

“I do have a beroep on the unfortunates of Muslim countries. Before there was a coalitie and there was a beroep op bevriende landen, Europe in the West, there were two bombarded burgers on the mother of the militants, unfortunately.

Tot slot bood Kadyrov aan om Tsjetsjeense eenheden in te zetten als potentiële vredeshandhavers, bereid om “de orde te manufacture” en “all disturbing elements” in the Midden-Oosten tegen te gaan.

KIJK OOK. Professor Criekemans over hoe de oorlog in Israël can escaleren en wilk voordeel dat oplevert voor Poetin
