Kadaster takes measures against register abuse | News item

News item | 05-09-2023 | 5:15 pm

Kadaster is taking measures to further reduce the risk of misuse of data from public registers. The aim is to make it as difficult as possible to gain unauthorized access to data, while the Kadaster registers must be able to continue to fulfill their important social function. Kadaster takes the measures on behalf of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Housing and Spatial Planning.

From the beginning of 2024, Kadaster will make logging in with eHerkenning mandatory for Kadaster-on-line, the platform for professional users. In the short term, the current logging, monitoring and recording of queries by users in the Kadaster registers will be further expanded and strengthened.

Kadaster also limits the possibility to search by name to five professional groups that must be able to use this function because of their work. These are civil-law notaries, bailiffs, brokers, financial companies and government organisations. Kadaster is also investigating the possibility of temporarily shielding more personal data.

The reason for the measures is research by RTL Nieuws, which showed that it is too easy to get an account based on a Chamber of Commerce number and an account number of a random company, with which someone can then search by name for address details, for example. Kadaster has therefore already introduced an extra verification by not only providing login details by e-mail, but also sending them to the address associated with the Chamber of Commerce number.


Business users who fall outside the aforementioned five professional groups can submit an application per situation to Kadaster to gain access to the ‘search by name’ function for that specific case. Kadaster will assess these applications individually for a legitimate interest.
Searching by object address remains possible for all users. In this way, the transparency and legal certainty surrounding registered property and the real estate market are guaranteed in all cases and accessible to everyone.
