Ka-ching: so much damage is caused by the drought in Zoetermeer

The summer had one striking feature: drought! Scientists think that Zoetermeer will often have to deal with drought in the future. This not only affects nature, but also the wallet of Zoetermeerders.

The scientists of the National Water and Climate Knowledge and Innovation Program (NKWK) have developed a so-called Climate damage estimator developed. Here you can see how great the damage from drought is per inhabitant of Zoetermeer.

Climate damage estimator

The Climate Damage Estimator takes into account two scenarios:

1. An estimate of the damage costs if the current climate were to remain the same until 2050.
2. An estimate of the damage costs if the climate changes significantly.

The amounts in the Climate Damage Estimator are a rough estimate and may therefore deviate from the actual damage costs. A description of the method can be found in This report.

Damage costs Zoetermeerder

Back to Zoetermeer! Here the drought was noticeable this summer due to dry parks and trees that lost their leaves earlier than usual. What will it cost the fellow townsman if such hot summers return in the future? According to the Climate Estimator, the average amount that a Zoetermeer resident loses to damage caused by drought is between 400 euros and 2500 euros. If it becomes even drier due to strong climate change, the damage could amount to 600 euros and 3500 euros, according to the institute.

Text continues under the photo >

Photo: near Zoetermeer

This is how the amount is calculated

The climate damage estimator looked at five themes. Below you can read the damage costs for the period 2018-2050 according to both scenarios.

Unchanged climateStrong Climate Change
Damage to foundations267 million euros385 million euros
Damage to roads and sewers
31 million euros

33 million euros
Damage to municipal greenery1 million euros
1 million euros
Damage in agriculture
12 million euros

14 million euros
Damage from wildfires
1 million euros

1 million euros
310 million euros

432 million euros

Tips to prevent drought

So the amounts are not cast in concrete, but there is a good chance that you would rather spend your money on a dinner in the city. Do you want to do something yourself against the drought? OnsWater.nl gives the following tips that you can pick up yourself to prevent drought.

  • Store your own rainwater in a barrel and use it for the plants in your garden.
  • Green your house, for example through a green roof.
  • You can also hang a special system on the downspout, so that the water gradually sinks into the ground.

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