JVG’s VilleGalle received a plush corona subsidy – Jare was left without

Rap musician VilleGalle was awarded a € 12,000 corona subsidy.

Art Promotion Center Taike is granted in March, semi-annual Korona grants for artists. The value of the grant is 12,000 euros.

One of the recipients of the grant is VilleGalle, a rap musician known from JVG Ville-Petteri Galle. Iltalehti met the man at a press conference for the JVG film.

– Such subsidies have been applied for when possible. There was a bit of a wet feeling that it was felt that I shouldn’t have applied, VilleGalle commented.

– Perhaps donors should be asked on what grounds they share them.

A documentary about JVG will be released this Friday. Jenni Gästgivar

Indeed, the rap artist says he noticed that getting support aroused strong feelings in some people.

– I noticed some of them were cheering about it. I also fully understand that. I feel like I did a lot of work for the record company and musan (in terms of it), that support was well deserved. I realize I’ve been more lucrative than other artists and it may seem weird that I was given (support), says VilleGalle.

Also Jare applied for the same grant but did not receive it.

– Well, it’s not annoying. There are artists who have been in a worse financial situation. Hopefully, support has been given to artists who have had to live from hand to mouth, Jare replies.

JVG became popular with the song Wedding in 2011. Jenni Gästgivar
