Juventus, Pogba works. Recovery times

After the injury to the meniscus of his right knee during the tour in the USA, the French midfielder had chosen conservative therapy: the decision made after resuming racing in recent days

by our correspondent Fabiana Della Valle

September 5th
– Paris

Paul Pogba tried hard to avoid surgery, but in the end he didn’t make it. Today the French midfielder will undergo meniscectomy to treat the injury to the lateral meniscus of his right knee. In this way he will have to stay out at least another 40-60 days before the resumption of competitive activity. It means that he will return between the middle and the end of October, with the aim of not missing the World Championship in Qatar (which will start in mid-November).


The decision was made after today’s test at Continassa. Pogba had just started running, on Saturday he posted a photo of him on a gravitational snare treadmill so as not to weigh on the injured limb. This morning while the team was busy finishing, he tried to run on the pitch and also to kick but the sensations were not positive. The pain is still there, so the Octopus, in agreement with Juventus, has decided not to waste any more time and to proceed immediately with the surgery.


Pogba, who got hurt in training at the end of July during the American tour, had chosen not to have surgery and to try conservative therapy. After 5 weeks of treatment and swimming, however, the desired results did not arrive. So the change of course was decided, which however jeopardizes his presence at the World Championship. Times are now tight to get back in shape and Juventus will lose him for almost the entire first part of the season. At most we will see him on the pitch for a few matches before the long break at the end of the year. It is no coincidence that Juventus would have preferred that he had had an operation immediately in America, to start the rehabilitation phase as soon as possible and have him back at least for September. The last word, however, in these cases is always up to the player and so far he had been adamant.
