Juventus on Milinkovic-Savic: the negotiation

Lazio have decided to sacrifice a big player and evaluate the midfielder 65-70 million. Contacts with the entourage of the Serbian, who have always been at the top of Allegri’s thoughts, have recently returned to intensify

Some loves don’t end, they make huge turns and then they come back. Between Juve and Milinkovic Savic it could be just like that. This time, however, it is more likely that the marriage between the Serbian midfielder and the lady will take place, especially according to recent updates from Lazio home. In the last summit between Lotito, Tare and Sarri, the line was drawn for a common front on programming: the technician will have greater weight in the choices of the biancoceleste market, but a sacrifice will be required at the exit for budgetary needs and one of the major suspects is precisely the old ball of Allegri.


The estimate of the Livorno coach for the player is historic. From the Pogba dream to the possible goal Milinkovic Savic, the road is short, above all because Juve want to give the midfield a different physiognomy from the current one and a player like him – now a profound connoisseur of Italian football – would do much less effort to immerse himself in the new Juventus reality. , as well as having a more affordable cost than French. The Juventus management has never broken off relations with his entourage, in the last period it has rather intensified them and has also received positive signals about the player’s willingness to consider – this time for real – a possible transfer under the Mole. His engagement is in full line with the parameters of the Lady, even in the event of an increase: he earns 3.2 million per season, abundantly under the club’s ceiling. In Turin he would certainly find a higher salary.


His contract with Lazio expires on 30 June 2024: the long term seemed an obstacle until recently, now much less but there is still to deal with Lotito, in a negotiation that promises to be complex and possibly long. The biancoceleste club could make a starting request of 65-70 million, which can be negotiated slightly lower in Italy by the will of the player (who intends not to leave Serie A in the face of the possibility of going to the top club) but without too many imbalances. The times of Lotito’s requests from 75 plus Bentancur’s card are now remote, for Juve there are now the real conditions to negotiate, trying to reach the best compromise on price and formula. It is unlikely, at least for now, that Lazio will accept a technical counterpart, even if there would be no lack of players outside the Juve project that Sarri likes so much. One name above all: Arthur.


Milinkovic Savic at Juve would give a strong identity to the midfield. Adding technique, physicality and character. With him Allegri could alternate between 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 without any problem, but – numbers aside – he could count more generally on a true leader in the middle of the field. The twenty-seven-year-old Serbian, who has already shown all his worth in Serie A, could also find new stimuli in proposing himself as a protagonist in the Champions League: for Allegri and the Juventus club he has what it takes, the person concerned makes it a matter of priority at this point in his career. And then there is the bond that has been created in recent years with the Piedmontese capital, frequenting it often to visit his brother, Vanya, the Turin extreme defender: yes, there would also be a derby in the family.


The Juventus midfielder would also find a dear friend and teammate of the national team, Dusan Vlahovic. Juve has decided to bet everything on the former purple center forward to open a new cycle, the agreement between the two is already well tested and would give a great boost to Allegri’s new project. Not only that: the arrival of Milinkovic Savic at Juve would probably open higher margins to operate also in the other departments, from defense to attack, counting on the reliability of the Serbian together with Locatelli, Zakaria and Rabiot, with the latter who could also reach the natural expiration of his relationship with the Lady (2023). With a median package of this type, the club could avoid going on a second midfielder in favor of another player in the advanced department. Evaluations are already underway, Lazio’s need to sell favors dialogue: Juve is there, with the player’s entourage has already moved and could soon do so with Lazio too.
