Juve, Zakaria: “The game was not for me”. And De Ligt …

The Swiss now at Chelsea: “I’ll find myself better in England. Allegri? We didn’t talk much.” And the Dutchman: “Bayern want to win the Champions League, an ambition that I felt less in Turin”

Juve sore or Allegri sore? A trait common to the players who left the Lady in the summer: a lot of effort to get fit for their new team. Which echoes the controversies already opened in Turin on the problems of condition and injuries that sow doubts about work at Continassa. The case of Arthur, called to do extra sessions and joined the Under 21 team to find the match pace, is not the only one. There was the case of Matthijs De Ligt on arrival at Bayern, of which Nagelsmann revealed: “He said that the training was the hardest in the last four years. At the same time, it was hard, but not that hard. I have heard that in Italy it is not easy to keep fit ”.

From Switzerland

Some problems similar to Arthur must have found Denis Zakaria at Chelsea, who must not have been judged ready to set foot on the pitch if at the moment he is still at zero minutes with the Blues shirt. But since his retirement in Switzerland he says: “I think I’ll be better off in England than in Turin. Maybe Juve’s style of play wasn’t for me, the team played very short and I didn’t have much space. I am a player who needs a lot of space to run. Perhaps in this I will be better off in England ”. And again: “Anyway, with that staff, Juventus should win them all 3-0”. And on Allegri, “a coach who has achieved great results”, he reveals: “I didn’t talk much with the coach”.

De Ligt too

The second common trait among those who leave Juve are in fact the quite nice statements about the environment left in Turin, as with a sense of liberation for having actually arrived where football is played in a different way. Matthijs De Ligt, who since his arrival at Bayern has already had the opportunity to make such statements, added in these hours: “I had a lot of fun at Juventus, but I felt that the time had come for a new challenge. Juve are certainly an excellent team, but for me moving to Bayern Munich was a further qualitative leap. I just think that Bayern have the ambition to win the Champions League, while at Juve I felt this feeling less. When I arrived they had taken players like Higuain and Ronaldo and the situation was different. After a while the renovation began and things changed ”. If in Turin it is time for reflections, these sentences add further elements also on the way in which Juventus is seen by the players at the moment, with what follows in terms of appeal on the market.
