Juve, who is Marco Landucci on the bench in place of Max Allegri

Allegri influenced, there is the former goalkeeper on the bench: the two have been working together since their experience in Grosseto. And Padoin will keep telephone contacts with the coach connected from Turin

The premise is a must: Max Allegri is not disqualified, therefore — if he were able to feel better in these hours — he could decide to join the team in Rome in extremis and lead them regularly to the Olimpico against Lazio. Difficult because, since it is a flu syndrome, in these cases we tend to avoid contact with other members as much as possible to avoid circulating the virus within the group. Replacing the coach on the bench will be his deputy, Marco Landucci, a collaborator since one of Max’s first coaching experiences in Serie C at Grosseto. Landucci, however, was the goalkeeper coach, as later in Serie A in Cagliari and Milan.

Landucci deputy

The former Fiorentina goalkeeper has become Allegri’s second at Juventus. Among the collaborators inherited from Conte, within the Juventus structure, the goalkeeper coach was already there: the relationship of trust between Claudio Filippi and the goalkeepers, including Buffon, was quite solid, it was therefore decided to keep the balance intact and find another location for Landucci. Who has already replaced Allegri on two occasions this season against Monza, the first on the Brianza side’s field in the first leg in the league and then in the first Coppa Italia match: a narrow defeat (with a match conditioned by Di Maria’s expulsion) in the confrontation in Serie A and 2-1 success at the Stadium in the cup. Last season things went better, two wins out of two: first in Rome (4-3) with a great comeback (from 3-1 down) in the league and then in the Coppa Italia (4-1) against Sampdoria.

cheerful connected

As on previous occasions, once again Allegri will communicate by telephone through a third collaborator — probably Simone Padoin — who will filter the information on the bench and transfer it to Landucci.
