Juve, Vlahovic case: because it’s Dusan’s fault. By Alessandro Vocalelli

The Serbian striker has a bright future ahead of him, but he has yet to understand Juve: his generosity is appreciated but not always profitable …

Even more than the defeat at Genoa – irrelevant for the Champions question but still indicative of a season-no – the “Vlahovic case” holds the stage at Juve. And, let’s go straight to the heart of the problem, Allegri is especially debating. Many ask themselves – giving themselves the answer at the same time – if the Juventus game and the attitude of the team are not at the basis of the decline in performance of the center forward. Even more are those who bluntly blame Allegri for not being able to value mister 75 million, also recalling illustrious precedents – of forwards – who in no uncertain terms have pointed their finger at the low offensive propensity of the coach. In short, the debate is strongly unbalanced, certainly to the detriment of the coach, who is considered the first to be responsible for the disappointment of his center forward.
