Juve, Stadium season tickets: double prices compared to Milan and Inter

Confirming the season ticket in the most popular sector costs 269 and 270 euros respectively for Inter and Milan fans. A seat in Curva Scirea in Turin costs 650

Inter and Milan have already announced the prices for the renewal of season tickets for the 2022-23 season on their respective official websites. Different speech for Juve which, for the moment, has limited itself to communicating the new list only to Juventus Official Fan Clubs.

The comparison

The gap between the cost of renewing the season ticket for the most popular seats, with the Milanese clearly cheaper than the Juventus club: a renewal in the second green ring for the Nerazzurri fans costs 269 euros, one euro more. to the AC Milan fans who will confirm their season ticket in the second blue. The first ring costs € 395 for the Nerazzurri fans and 385 for the Rossoneri fans. Juve also decided to differentiate the cost between the first and second ring, but with much higher prices: 675 and 650 euros.

Vip seats

A renewal of the season ticket in the central red seats costs Inter fans 2,550 euros, while it is slightly more expensive for the Rossoneri fans: 2,700 euros, which becomes 3,000 in the red Tribuna d’Onore. The cost of the renewal in the central East Tribune at the Allianz Stadium is more contained, where the renewal for a top seat costs € 2560 (compared to € 2370 in 2019-20).
